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From Showcase to Collaboration: Our Triumphs at The Buildings Show

经过 Oushe Flooring and Wall PanelOushe Flooring and Wall Panel 12 Dec 2023

As a passionate building materials company, we participated in this year's THE BUILDINGS SHOW held in Toronto, Canada, with anticipation and excitement. Looking back on this journey to the building materials exhibition, we deeply feel satisfied and rewarded. In this stage filled with innovation and vitality, we not only showcased the strength of our company but also discovered more opportunities for future development.

During this exhibition, we presented a series of products including SPC flooring, WPC wall panels, SPC wall panels, grilles, outdoor flooring, outdoor wall panels, etc., which received widespread admiration. We were fortunate to share our innovative ideas and technological advantages with industry colleagues. With enthusiasm, we introduced the unique features of our products and exchanged insights into technological innovation. These interactions made me deeply feel that this exhibition served as a platform to gather wisdom and experience, allowing us to collectively explore new trends in the industry and embrace its transformation – akin to a grand celebration in the building materials sector.

What is particularly gratifying is that through this exhibition, we not only secured a series of potential orders but also established close connections with potential partners. This exhibition is not just a platform for product display; it is also a crucial opportunity to enhance cooperation and drive development.

In the future, we will continue to strive for innovation, making even greater contributions to the prosperity of the building materials industry!







Lorem Ipsum是什么? Lorem Ipsum 是印刷和排版行业的简单虚拟文本。自 1500 年代以来,Lorem Ipsum 一直是行业标准的虚拟文本,当时一位不知名的印刷商拿走了一堆字体并将其打乱以制作一本字体样本簿。它不仅经历了五个世纪的考验,而且跨越了电子排版的时代,基本保持不变。它在 20 世纪 60 年代随着包含 Lorem Ipsum 段落的 Letraset 表的发布而流行起来,最近又随着包含 Lorem Ipsum 版本的 Aldus PageMaker 等桌面出版软件而流行。 我们为什么用它? 长期以来的事实是,读者在查看页面布局时会被页面的可读内容分散注意力。使用 Lorem Ipsum 的要点在于,它具有或多或少的字母正态分布,而不是使用“此处内容,此处内容”,使其看起来像可读的英语。许多桌面出版包和网页编辑器现在使用 Lorem Ipsum 作为默认模型文本,搜索“lorem ipsum”将发现许多仍处于起步阶段的网站。多年来,各种版本不断演变,有时是偶然的,有时是故意的(注入幽默等)。
this is just a warning
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